Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lift Off!

And so, the end of this amazing journey is here. It has been amusing, surprising, exhausting, overwhelming, but most of all, FUN!

Looking back at the beginning, I find that my goals hasn’t changed that much, may be it’s because I am familiarized with most of the teaching concepts, because of my parents being teachers; however what really grew in me was the awareness of the globalization of the information and how what anything we write in our blogs can be read by anyone, anywhere on the world!

Another one of the concepts that really hit me is the use of technology as one of the most fun, engaging and amusing techniques/tools for learning, and I’m not talking just about students’ learning, but our own learning as teachers. Every time somebody said “technology “ my mind would always go right away to computers, TV, DVD, CD player and that was it, but learning how to use blogging, glogging, twitting, voicetreading and all the other amazing tools just blow my mind away!

Also, watching the videos played by Ellen in the class made me realize that we can and should aspire for the biggest goal, is like they say “Shoot for the moon and even though you fail, you’ll land among the stars”. Speaking for myself, my plans were to take this course, do the TKT exam and get a job in a school (either private or public) and save the money; nevertheless, why don’t aim to get a job overseas? Why limit ourselves to work here in Michoacan, even in Mexico?

Just remember one thing, in order to keep being a good teacher you should never stop learning, keep updating yourself, keep reading and keep on going! And always keep in mind that the “end” of one journey is the opportunity to start a new one!

I’d like to finish this post with two of my favorite quotations:

“Rather than being a well that has the knowledge deep inside, be a fountain which sprinkles drops of wisdom”

“A human being will never be perfect, but he will always be perfectible”

3, 2, 1... Lift off!


Anonymous said...

It was a great course, I enjoyed every moment. I think we all learned more that we ever imagined. I totally agree with you when you encourage us to keep looking forward in this journey, although for me is difficult to say good bye to those things I have loved. It was a pleasure to meet you and have this experience together as teachers. Have fun in your new route in life, and enjoy teaching and learning :) Saraí.

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