Monday, April 4, 2011

My Multiple Intelligences

Hello there!

It has been really interesting learning about the different intelligences and the way we learn. I have heard about these before, since I come from a family of teachers, but seeing it in a more deep way and learning by my own experience, it is completely different.

I must say that I found working with glogster pretty amusing, and since it is my first time, I ask you to be patient.

And finally, here it is the glogster of my multiple intelligences


Anonymous said...

Hello there!
Again, I love your blog atmosphere...and the glog has the same style. I think it is wonderful that you share this amazing pictures made by you, cause they tell more than words. By the way, it is amazing, you can handle the 3 learning styles equally! Awsome :D


Marcel Pérez said...

Hey Sarai!
Yeah, I decided that if I was going to put some images it was a perfect oportunity to promote my self a little.
I was quite surprised myself by finding out that I am 33% of each, I always thought myself as a more kinesthetic learner.


PS. thanks for your comment

Anonymous said...

Marcel, it is rare to find someone who gets equal percentages across the board. However, putting that theory to work will be the challenge in life as we try to find the best way to teach all of our learners. Ellen

Unknown said...

Hello marcel, I really like your presentation, you are such an Artist in design, anyway I think you have a great privilege to have multiple intelligences at the same time they can help you to find a good direction to teach.

Luis Felipe said...

For being the first time you work with glogster it was a pretty cool glog.

I always thought that the way you learn better should be your predominant learning style so i feel confused about getting 33% on each learning style, i paid especial attention to the other test, more specific though.

Thanks for sharing.

Marcel Pérez said...

@Ellen I agree, most people would consider my percentages an advantage, but I assume this as a challenge in my own way of teaching.

@Gris Thanks a lot for your kind comments.
Yeah, it is a privilege, but moreover it is a great compromise in the way I should teach.

@Luis It also shocked me a little, but now I should pay more attention to what I do and how I do it. thanks for commenting

Anonymous said...

Marcel, in response to the comment you left on Edsson's blog, if you want to add another presentation style to your repetoire, you might try Animoto.

Also, would you be able to put me in as a commenter so I don't have to register everytime I enter your blog to make a comment. It makes the process of commenting very tedious. Thanks, Ellen

Marcel Pérez said...

Thanks for the recommendation Ellen, I've been checking it out and it seems really cool, I'll give it a try on a future presentation.

About the comments, I really don't know how to put you as a commenter, maybe it's an option just for wordpress blogs. Maybe you can teach me how sometime.

Again, Thanks.

mario said...

Hey Marcel,
Yes, it is intriguing the same 33% on your Learning Style, but also the Multiple Intelligences result is quite balanced, so I suppose you’re really using all the senses for learning, that’s impressive, well done

Apolo said...

It happened to me something funny when I saw your glog. I just was checking the graphic statistic of your score according and I think -Oh that looks balanced… but when I saw your score according with I just laughed at myself and said – 33%?! That’s I´m talking about! ... jeje

You had a balanced multiple intelligence and learning styles score, which probably means that you could work indistinctly with any kind of learning technique without problems.

For me it´s not possible give an opinion without talking about the photography that you attach in your glogster. You are sensitive for photography. Good job!

Montse said...

Hi, Marcel first of all congratulations for your glog,it is so cool and also shows your like for the photography, talking about your learning style, I am impressed about your equal score at the learning styles, that shows it is easier for you to acquire the knowledge more than others students who have a certain learning style as me.

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